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Custom TTS API

Built-in Supported Third-Party API Interfaces

Custom TTS API Interface Requirements

A POST request will be sent to the API address you fill in with application/www-urlencode data:

text: The text/string to be synthesized

language: The language code of the text (zh-cn,zh-tw,en,ja,ko,ru,de,fr,tr,th,vi,ar,hi,hu,es,pt,it)/string

voice: The name of the voiceover role/string

rate: Acceleration/deceleration value, 0 or '+number%' '-number%', representing the percentage of acceleration/deceleration based on the normal speed/string

ostype: win32 or mac or linux operating system type/string

extra: Extra parameters/string

Expects a JSON format data to be returned from the interface:


code:0=synthesis success, >0 represents failure

msg:ok=synthesis success, others are the reason for failure

data: Returns the complete URL address of the MP3 file when the synthesis is successful, which is used for downloading within the software. Empty when failed


OpenVoice-v2 Third-Party Implementation Custom API